Spay & Neuter Resources
While The Pixel Fund does not currently offer Low Income Spay & Neutering options, the following programs may help:
Spay Maine
Spay Maine is a collaboration of Maine's animal shelters, rescues, veterinarians, animal control officers and animal welfare advocates who work together to reduce Maine's shelter intakes and euthanasia. This work is done by supporting Help Fix ME, Maine's state-wide low income spay neuter program and by promoting spay neuter clinics and programs around the state. Visit Spay Maine by clicking here. The state's low-cost spay and neuter program, based on income guidelines to qualify. Call 1-800-367-1317 or (207) 287-7621 to find out more!
Help Fix ME!
The goal of the Help Fix ME is a spay & neuter program working to reduce shelter intakes and euthanasia. The program is restricted to cats and mostly pit bulls and pit bull mixes. This spay/neuter program is for low-income* households only. The portion you pay for a cat is $10. If you truly cannot afford the $10, there is sometimes limited funding available to help with this co-pay. Contact Help Fix ME: 1-800-367-1317 or (207) 287-7621.
* You will qualify for Help Fix ME if you are a Maine resident and receive: food stamps, TANF, MaineCare, SSI or SSD or have an income below 133% of the federal poverty level (you do not have to be receiving any government assistance).
Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland's
Spay & Neuter Clinic
Located at facility ARLGP, the Spay & Neuter Clinic was generously funded by IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. The ARLGP clinic provides low-cost spay and neuter services to income-eligible community members. For more information or to schedule a spay or neuter, please call the ARLGP at (207)854-9771.