Not the right time for a pet?
Here are some ways you can help save lives!

We have a continued need for volunteers. Whether it's to help transport a rescue from a foster's home to a vet visit, set up and break down at an event, or even to provide some one-on-one support for a pet during an adoption fair, we welcome anyone that can donate their time to our organization.

Fostering is a lifesaving act of providing a safe, loving, temporary home for a dog or cat until it is placed in its forever home. Our dogs and puppies all come from high-kill animal shelters. Taking in a Pixel Pup truly is the difference between life and death. Opening your door to one of our pups today makes all the difference in the world.​

Spread The Word
Word of mouth is one of our greatest assets. If you're a dog lover, it's likely your family and friends are too! Talk about The Pixel Fund, talk about rescuing. Keep your ear to the ground for friends looking for dogs and send them our way. Share our Facebook updates. Visit us at adoption events, and bring your dog-friendly folks.